
Posted On Apr 28, 2014


Adhesives in the Automotive Industry

Adhesive bond materials are transversal to many different industries: from automotive to aerospace, electronics, medical, sports, and construction. Providing high-performance adhesive to aluminum, steel and other materials, structural adhesives have become an interesting and valid solution to replace welds and mechanical fasteners, helping to improve durability, reduce weight, and reduce manufacturing costs.

Posted On Apr 17, 2014


The Truth About Strain Gauge Load Cells vs. Pressure Transducers

Load cells independently and directly measure the force being applied to specimens. Pressure transducers measure force indirectly from the oil pressure observed in the cylinder. Which is superior? The answer is simple: Load cell technology due to the fact that some of the pressure in a hydraulic system has nothing to do with the load being applied to the specimen.

Posted By Leonardo Martinez

 Apr 17, 2014


Thermoset and Thermoplastic Composites ... What’s the Difference?

As composites continue to be adopted in more industries, fiber-reinforced plastics can be found in products that people interact with every day, including cars and sporting goods. Fiber-reinforced plastics consist of reinforcing fibers surrounded by a plastic matrix. There are several types of fibers that can be used including glass, carbon fiber, and aramid which give the material its high tensile strength. The matrix gives the composite the compressive strength and, in the case of fiber reinforced plastics, can be made using thermoset or thermoplastic polymers.

Posted On Apr 11, 2014


Testing United States Bridges at Columbia University

With recent events causing concern about the stability of major bridges, the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University is evaluating their durability with the help of Instron.