

BioBox Data Sheet

The lnstron BioBox (catalog no. CP110012, CP110015, CP128993, CP128994) meets the growing trend of testing medical devices and biomaterials at body temperature (37°С). For large or long devices, testing in а liquid may not bе practical. As an alternative, testing inside а controlled air environment at body temperature provides а powerful solution.


Products 4/15/2021 0.7 MB

10N Wire Pull Hook Fixture

Catalog Number 2860-001


Products 4/6/2021 111.8 KB

2601 Series LVDT Deflection Sensors

The 2601 Series Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) displacement transducers are measuring devices that measure the displacement of the load frames.


Products 4/2/2021 436.6 KB

Ultra-light tup holder for impact drop tower

Ultra-light tup holder for impact drop tower for Automotive and Electrinics applications


Products 3/31/2021 437.0 KB

Melt Flow Testers MF50

The ability of melted materials to flow under pressure at set temperatures has a fundamental importance in polymer science and technology. The MF50 is especially used by 24/7 laboratoriestesting several different\ materials, from fast flowing master batches up to highly viscous rubbery or filled materials, where quick and safe operations have big impact on productivity.


Products 3/11/2021 184.4 KB

Melt Flow Testers MF30

Melt Flow Testers MF30


Products 3/10/2021 222.3 KB