
Posted By David Fry

 Dec 30, 2013


Metals Tensile Testing Standards: ISO 6892-1, ASTM E8/8M for Strain Control

Brief introduction into some of the changes and updates to both the ISO 6892-1 and ASTM E8/8M tensile testing standards for metals and ambient temperature.

Posted By David Fry

 Sep 25, 2013


Upper Yield Calculations—Discontinuous Yielding/YPE Material

Following a recent lab visit, I thought it was worth writing a quick post to share an example of how labs sometimes incorrectly calculate yield strength. While visiting a testing lab for unrelated issues, my colleagues and I were discussing how the customer runs both continuous and discontinuous material with the same method (Non-YPE and YPE). For historical reasons, they have updated their Series IX methods to Bluehill 3 with little knowledge of why, when or by whom the methods were setup.

Posted By David Fry

 Aug 15, 2013


Industry Insights Series with David Fry

Working alongside our friends at AZOM, they developed a series of engaging interviews with a few of our global colleagues. In the recent series, I was able to discuss metals testing requirements with a focus on the latest European metals standard, ISO 6892 and high precision strain measurement with the AutoX750.